why can't i sell (in General)

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] August 8 2007 12:45 AM EDT

my corn is now +5 and for some reason i cant put it in auction, i could put in when it was +4 so its not to low in NW
anyone know?

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] August 8 2007 12:53 AM EDT

maybe its rented or loaned?

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] August 8 2007 12:54 AM EDT

Or maybe you don't have enough cash on that character so you can't sell it.

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] August 8 2007 1:32 AM EDT

Isn't it possible to go into negatives when auctioning something?

Miandrital August 8 2007 1:40 AM EDT

Yeah, I went -18k on one of my characters two or three days ago.

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] August 8 2007 5:40 AM EDT

woops it was already in auction :/ so nvm
just strange it didn't show up in my auctions
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