XBOX 360 (in Off-topic)

Jake the Snayke August 21 2007 3:34 PM EDT

Allright guys I have decided to save up some cash and buy one of these. Problem is I have no clue which one to buy.
I want to be able to play older xbox games and new ones. I dont really want to play online, I'm more of a casual gamer.
I want to play oblivion and some fps.
Which system would you recommend for this?
Possibly a PS3 instead?
Any help would be appreciated.

48Zach August 21 2007 3:42 PM EDT


I bought one, and I must say.. It is amazing.. also, Fable 2 (sweet RPG) and Halo3 are both coming out soon, and will be great additions to it.

GnuUzir August 21 2007 4:02 PM EDT


But I am bias, right now XboxLive is better than PSNstore...


With the PS3 you get a Blu-Ray player, WiFi, Free On-line

If you decide the 360 be sure to get the external HD, the HD output adapter, the external HD-DVD drive, etc...

Also the hardware failure rate for the 360 has been speculated to be around 30% O.o, where as the PS3 has around a 0.2% failure rate...

And if you buy an Xbox be sure to get ready to buy the next version they come out with, first there was a 'standard' and an 'extended' version now there is the 'elite', so in about 6 months expect a 'hard-core' version etc...

As for games they both have their that is kind of a draw...

But I say PS3 all the way =)

48DangerZone August 21 2007 4:04 PM EDT

Xbox 360. Enough stuff.

48Zach August 21 2007 4:04 PM EDT

Gnu -- You have a one year warranty on all Xbox 360 acesorries that come with the Xbox360, and also a 3-year warranty on the Xbox360 console for cases with the three-red-lights.

Jake the Snayke August 21 2007 4:14 PM EDT

so is there a new xbox that is coming out?
i have looked online and what not but am not sure

48DangerZone August 21 2007 4:15 PM EDT

No, He's just saying that because of the 'Elite' All it was, was a much bigger Hard Drive.

48Zach August 21 2007 4:16 PM EDT

And the Elite was black!

Jake the Snayke August 21 2007 4:17 PM EDT

so would i need a smaller hard drive to play these things?
i dont plan on having movies or anything like that on it.

48DangerZone August 21 2007 4:20 PM EDT

Noo.. Premium is what like 98% of people have.
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