Still A Newb (in New players)

Jake the Snayke August 23 2007 3:50 PM EDT

Alright I am still new to this, and proud of it.

Im looking at my home screen under magic missle and have realized I am confused by what it says.

It says
Magic Missile: 95,158 (37,779)

Now what does this mean exactly?
The 95,158 I thought was amount of XP invested but have learned I am wrong.
What is the other thing?

bartjan August 23 2007 3:54 PM EDT

Spells are always written as:
Spell name: level (effect)
Spell name: effective_level/trained_level (effect)

where the level is related to the XP you've trained into it and the effect shows how effective the spell is. Effect has a different meaning for each spell. For Direct Damage spells such as Magic Missile it is what the eventual damage it does is based on.

Jake the Snayke August 23 2007 3:56 PM EDT

So hypothetically if someone has no armor or anything to stop my MM he would do 37,779 damage?

TheHatchetman August 24 2007 11:42 AM EDT

there is also randomness to consider, but yes, the number in parentheses is your maximum potential damage. with FB and CoC, multiply it by 5 for max damage, but keep in mind that as it concentrates, the spell takes a penalty from its max potential, and the odds of running into a 5 minion team with no AC on any of them, no AMF, protection, or endurance, and then getting the randomness to swing in your direction 5 times in a single round are absurd...
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