CB D&D 2 (in Off-topic)

Mesoshort August 31 2007 11:49 PM EDT

We have some no shows in our last game, so there are plenty of spots open. I know there were some who wanted in but couldn't because we were full. Well now is your second chance. Please, post here if you must, but I would prefer if you CM'd me. We play Saturday and Sunday nights starting at 8 CB time and go till 12 CB time. The room is a private room so the PG rule is not strictly enforced, but we do keep it mostly clean. We have plently of damage dealers, we need casters, especially healers (druids, paladins, clerics). So if interested, let me know.

48DangerZone September 1 2007 12:06 AM EDT

What is this? Like an Online game?

[CB1]Kris September 1 2007 12:17 AM EDT

interested in the idea but don't know if I have the time

48DangerZone September 1 2007 12:44 AM EDT

/me doesnt know the idea..

Mesoshort September 1 2007 2:11 AM EDT

Sorry, unless you were contacted, you aren't going to be a part of the game. If anymore don't show, I will be sure to let anyone interested know first, then post agian.
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