LFForger for Corn (in Services)

8DEOTWP September 4 2007 12:46 AM EDT

Looking for someone to forge my +6 Corn to +10 which is a 5,529,326 NW increase.
I realize this is a 2week+ job so if you only want to do part of it that is fine, just make sure to specify. :)
Willing to pay 71% for 290k/day, up to 76% for 390k/day.
Will pay by day.

8DEOTWP September 4 2007 2:52 AM EDT

To clear confusion:
271k-290k/day = 71%
291k-310k/day = 72%
311k-330k/day = 73%
331k-350k/day = 74%
351k-370k/day = 75%
371k-390k+/day = 76%

And I am looking for someone who can be in the 311k-330k range over the whole of forging - not really interested in someone who is forging 280k a day. I am just trying to offer more for stronger days.
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