question regarding score etc. (in New players)

Jake the Snayke September 5 2007 12:46 PM EDT

I am looking at my stats and stumbeled upon this.

Score / PR / MPR: 153,074 / 172,849 / 164,148

I was trying to track it down in the wiki but maybe I am blind. Can someone explain to me exactly what this is and what affects it? The higher the better?
Any help is appreciated.

TheHatchetman September 5 2007 12:51 PM EDT

the higher the better a target you are for others. That is all until you become unstopable for 15k battles at a time, and rack up a score of nearly double your nearest follower

Tyriel [123456789] September 5 2007 7:07 PM EDT

Score (first number) is gained every time you win (and draw, I think) a battle. You lose score whenever you lose or stalemate a battle. The amount it goes up or down depends on your score compared to your opponents score. Bigger difference means bigger change. Score has no affect on your character whatsoever.

PR (second number) is a measure of your minions' power rating (MPR), as well as anything added because of tattoos, weapons, and armor. Armor increases your PR based on the +. Weapons increase your PR if they are above your Weapon Allowance, which is based on your MPR. Higher PR is not always better. Fighting people whose scores are lower than your PR will result in a penalty. Fighting people whose scores are higher than your PR will give you a bonus.

MPR (third number) is a measure of the XP trained on your character, basically. Higher MPR means you have more XP on your character. MPR only counts trained XP, though.
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