Reinking to Jiggy (in General)

BootyGod September 16 2007 1:11 AM EDT

I want the ability to ink to a jiggy.

I also want to be able to buy MgS, HoC, AoI without paying 3-5 mil for them. A VB would be nice.

That's what I want. Make it happen.

*claps hands*

PS Asking nicely didn't help, so I just treat CB like me wishing lamp.

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] September 16 2007 1:47 AM EDT

Reintroduction has been proposed many times, we'll just have to see what Jon thinks. I'm assuming he won't do it, but heck, who knows.

Hyrule Castle [Defy] September 16 2007 1:51 AM EDT

i find that reintroducing them into the market ... like with the ROE... would just decrease the current value of the ones we have

Whats the point of having a rare item if EVERYONE is allowed to get them?

I suggest that you get rid of reinking all together so people do not have the luxury of hating a tat... and instead of finding someone with one they want... can just turn it into something else for a fairly small fee

BootyGod September 16 2007 2:44 AM EDT

The reason!?!

Because they aren't rare in the classic sense of rare. If you don't have one rare, you get another rare. Rare beats rare. But there aren't enough here for that. There is no balance. My MCM is NOT going to beat an equal tank with TSA. Ever. My HoE will NEVER, EVER hurt beat a tank of similar stats of a team using HoC.

Getting items should be like reaching levels in other games. What I mean is... when you get a certain amount of wealth, you should be able to buy X items, while still having Y items.

But one day, because of the current supporter items, this will become impossible. What's the point of NCB if the people above you have things you can never get. And not just things, but things essential to certain strategies.

This NEEDS to happen for balance. Keep the prices up. But the items need to be available to everyone. Not just those who happen to be playing at the time of release.

I'm sorry. This annoys me. Fix it. =D

Hyrule Castle [Defy] September 16 2007 2:50 AM EDT

well you should be easily able to obtain whichever item you so please... buy having the community vote for it in the blackmarket :) Then its just a matter of having like you said the "wealth" to purchase said item...

BootyGod September 16 2007 2:52 AM EDT

The items?

They're all supporter. As in, not in blackmarket.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] September 16 2007 3:28 AM EDT

my HoE works better than my HoC so your claims cannot be guaranteed to be true, HoC mostly works best for archer tank teams who are out for the quick kill.

BootyGod September 16 2007 4:54 AM EDT

Which, when you look at it, is A LOT of the tank strategies out there.

48Zach September 16 2007 6:52 AM EDT


A supporter item is a supporter item.. Meant to be put into the game for a period of time, and not re-introduced. Why make supporter items un-rare?? You might aswell start spawning them in the stores.

phrog September 16 2007 8:21 AM EDT

I occasionally wish I had purchased a new supporter item when the chance presented itself, but that is just my tough luck. Every game I have ever played includes features that benefit those who have played the longest and most frequent. I don't think it is unreasonable to not grant a brand new player access to every single item ever made available.

lostling September 16 2007 9:00 AM EDT

access with limitations is recommended

Adminedyit [Superheros] September 16 2007 9:14 AM EDT

IMO supporter items are a perk for people that have played the game for a long time. And yes while they are useful they are NOT entirely essential to winning. And when they become too powerful they get the nerf ie. VB. Yes the HoC is really useful but is it essential to winning? no, same with any other supporter item on this game.

[P]Mitt September 16 2007 12:15 PM EDT

IMO, I believe that supporter items should not be essential for any strategy - they should be novelties that are useful for low and mid-level characters, but not for high level ones.

Like in CB1, There was the Glaive of Pain (I think? Correct me if I'm wrong) which was [300x10] (+1)? and not able to upgrade.

Follow that with the Mace of Distruption another un-upgrade-able base 255 item.

The super-overpowered item I remember was the AoI - and they were removed after a while, because (I like to think) they were overpowered.

just my 2 cents.

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] September 16 2007 12:19 PM EDT

GoPs were [400x13](+40) I think.

[P]Mitt September 16 2007 12:25 PM EDT

Weren't there like 1 or 2 carps [400x1](+0) or something?
but they weren't supporter items.

I remember they were removed just after I joined

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 16 2007 12:27 PM EDT

Mitt: you mean IA's I think...

Supporter items were given a new purpose here (thanks Sut) and have become cornerstone items, they can make or break a strat, and are often the difference between winning and losing.

Miandrital September 16 2007 2:06 PM EDT

If you allow people to reink to Jigs, then Bast, Dolphin and those other few people with large Jigs will be screwed royally. They have used a terrible tattoo since the beginning because you can't ink any other tattoo to it, and it would cheapen their accomplishment.

BootyGod September 16 2007 2:26 PM EDT

Yes. That is true. But how would it -really- ruin their achievement? If they're SO bad, no one will reink to them, so your point is moot. Not to mention, both those tats are so large, only a handful of players would be able to beat their jiggies even if they DID reink.

Look, the problem now is that supporter items were NEVER supposed to be what they are. If you TRULY believe that supporter items aren't necessary, unequip your HoC your archer, find the person closet to you USING a HoC, and go ahead and lose. Same MPR, same set up, HoC wins.

Supporter items ARE supposed to be rewards. But they are NOT supposed to be overly powered rewards. They're -supposed- to be more like the jiggies and VB. Usable and useful in only a few aspects. But not cornerstone items.

Or do you mage walls out there really think your wall would be as effective without that +40 MgS? Or you non-ToA tanks using TSA?

Thank you =D

(To Ancient Anubis. I'm simply continuing an old argument BEFORE I made my promise hehehe. And if I win, woot. Because then it will be over)

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] September 16 2007 2:35 PM EDT

"But they are NOT supposed to be overly powered rewards. They're -supposed- to be more like the jiggies and VB. Usable and useful in only a few aspects. But not cornerstone items."

Good point. But then how would reintroducing items solve this?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] September 16 2007 3:01 PM EDT

GW, certain items favour certain setups, to say that an item is required in a game simply because it is better on a certain strat compared to an alternative on that same strat is utterly absurd.
HoE works better for a lot of tank strats from experience and talking to other players so why because that item works well for one strat (which coincidentally is an overpowered one) is it something which is required enough to be reintroduced?
You may say, well if it's not that good why shouldn't it be? My answer to that is that pretty much the biggest point of a supporter item is to show off that you were playing at the time (yes items get traded if they are needed but generally a lot of people store them for bragging rights).

BootyGod September 16 2007 3:05 PM EDT

I THINK I had an idea that may be a solution to the supporter item problem.... At least to a certain degree....

Daz September 17 2007 3:28 AM EDT

Well, we could always have it so that you can buy old supporter items for twice the price of the current supporter item. And you can only ever buy one of any given item, so if you bought one ages ago and sold it, tough. Jon would get more support money and everyone has access to the item...

QBJohnnywas September 17 2007 4:52 AM EDT

Too many people state that you NEED a certain item to be successful; state it too often and it becomes written in stone. Supporter items are hugely powerful, but not necessary to run a particular strat. They just make life easier.

I'm running a ranged based team. I don't use a HoC and most of my fightlist - some of the biggest archer teams in the game - do. And yet I beat them hands down. Yes I use an AoI, but for the most part it's not necessary to beat my fightlist. In fact the only reason I do use it is because of MM. But I could get by without it.

It's always been this way though; there are people who state certain things as if they are facts rather than options. These get handed down as strat advice. They become rules of play. And then everybody follows them like sheep.

Use an HoC to run a ranged based team; don't rely on EDs because of DM; ELB rules.

All of these things work, but you can run a team without listening to things like this.

Adminedyit [Superheros] September 17 2007 5:19 AM EDT

Well said JW!!

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] September 17 2007 5:28 AM EDT

Very well said JW... you hit the nail on the head with that one... no one is required to use any supporter item in their strat, it is an option, nay a choice, which most people do take for granted.... why pay 5 mil for an old supporter item... when you can rework your strat to work without that particular item.

Talion September 17 2007 4:15 PM EDT

Hail JW!

I would also like to add that supporter items are a incredible way of making this game more diverse. It is extremely hard to acquire certain supporter items and that makes CB a diverse universe. If anyone could have anything at anytime, it wouldn't be as fun.

48Zach September 17 2007 4:16 PM EDT

"If anyone could have anything at anytime, it wouldn't be as fun. "

Apparently, Thats what we want. ~_~

QBOddBird September 17 2007 4:35 PM EDT

Well yeah. The American way.

"Gimme what I want, NOW!!"

BootyGod September 17 2007 4:44 PM EDT

Well... in contrast... This is a quite obvious solution...

Release MORE supporter items. Not number wise, but type wise. And then limit the amount that can be bought by vets.

deifeln September 17 2007 5:42 PM EDT


You've been around for over 2 years now. Where were you when these were first available as supporter items? Buy every supporter item when they are released and keep a copy of each.

BootyGod September 17 2007 5:52 PM EDT

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want some of them. But it's not that. It's the new players who will not be able to get them. How hard will it be to get a HoC in 2 years!?

48Zach September 17 2007 5:55 PM EDT

GodWolf, im sure within 2 years, there will be another item introduced as a way around a HoC.. and if not, they will still sell occasionally, as they do now.

deifeln September 17 2007 5:57 PM EDT

I know you want to buy some of them.

You posted "I also want to be able to buy MgS, HoC, AoI without paying 3-5 mil for them."

Jon runs this game on donations from supporters. You really should have contributed to this (you'd have reaped the rewards of an HoC). If he does allow the purchasing of supporter items by new players, I hope that people who had the chance to buy these items already (and chose not to) are excluded from purchasing them. I'm not trying to flame you personally, but anyone who was around to get these and didn't have no right to complain.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] September 17 2007 6:31 PM EDT

Where will HoC be in 2 years? Probably a part of CB3 ;P

QBOddBird September 17 2007 11:28 PM EDT

I'll tell you exactly what part of CB3 - the Wall of Remembrance section of the new Wiki *grins*

Flamey September 18 2007 5:44 AM EDT

I thought the main issue was the items that were not available to new players because they were previous supporter items, and not the fact that they are supporter items, but because there are no alternatives to it.

RoE never loses its reliability, HoC is for 80% of strats (mine excluded), TSA has become pretty good. AoI, AoF? at least one is a must for every strategy.

Look at every strategy, and tell me, does it have a supporter item? Almost definitely, if it doesn't, do you think a supporter item would greatly improve it? I think so.

The VB was all high and mighty, look what happened it got nerfed, the RoE was reaching insane prices, it got reintroduced, the HoC is both now, really powerful, and insane prices. It wont be long until Jon does something about it.

I, myself, have bought every supporter item, since I joined, I did have a VB, but I had to sell it, it doesn't phase me, as long as I get every supporter item that is available to me, at least for just keeping it. I have a HoC, RoE and a pair of NSC, that I don't use at all. While my team is equipped with the TSA, AoI and AoF, it would include a HoC if I was a generic tank, and by preference, it could include the VB.

That's 5 supporter items, adding key things to a strategy, maybe they're all too powerful? People have said that supporter items used to be good for down low, but now its more a must, not even a choice. If there was something that compete with these items then okay, but these are becoming the real 'rares', the real 'unique' items of the this game.
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