Looking for a couple forge jobs (in Services)

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] September 21 2007 8:26 PM EDT

I have a 2 week lull before I can start my NCB, I forgot I had some things in rentals. So in the meantime I would like to do as much forging as I can, make some $$$ for the upcoming NCB. I have already done a good amount of forging recently...I put a good 23 mil worth of work into my Exbow :D

Send me a CM and lets start putting my BA to good use.

Talion September 22 2007 1:14 PM EDT

I have some a pair of base AG to forge if you are still looking. Let me know what your rates are if you are available.

BluBBen September 22 2007 1:20 PM EDT

AG's aren't forgable.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] September 22 2007 1:57 PM EDT

I have found enough work to keep me busy for awhile, forging some wall gear for Atomicboy, at a rate of 70%
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