looking for a forge job (in Services)

trigger99 September 28 2007 5:18 PM EDT

im currently looking for a forge job that is going to allow me to do as much forging on their item as i can for the next 3 days
i can do atleast 250k nw increase a day

i would like 70% but i may bend on that a little. just msg me or post if your interested.

trigger99 September 28 2007 8:11 PM EDT

ok i found a couple of people needing a job done so no more msges thnx

trigger99 September 29 2007 9:01 AM EDT

i am currently working on sooka's displacement boots at as much as i can for a week

it started at Moon walkers [0] (+59) 4,145,957

it is now Moon walkers [0] (+60) 4,322,200
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