Can anyone help me with my strat?? :) (in General)

mollevitteN September 29 2007 1:38 PM EDT

I started out having one minion with a Fireball, then got another one with Ethereal Chains and Ablative Shield, and then I have a Steel Familiar. That worked out okay... Then I tried to change it.. and change it.. and... :) Now I have three minions and my familiar..
But it doesn't really work out, so I hope someone out there will take a look at my main character Lystar, and maybe point me in the direction of a more effective strat? :) I could really use some suggestions! Thanks! :)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 29 2007 1:50 PM EDT

AMF and EC are both designed to keep your team alive longer. Fireball causes problems for multi minion teams once it gets past ranged rounds because of blow back. If you want to run a team based on a Steel Familiar and a Fireball mage, you should work on getting the other team dead quickly, DM being the most effective method to do that.

mollevitteN September 29 2007 1:52 PM EDT

Oh, okay... But doesn't DM conflict with EC? And on the third minion I have AMF.. But I know I may have to make some pretty big changes ;)

Talion September 29 2007 2:02 PM EDT

Here is what I would do...

(1) On "FireCracker" I would retrain the HP/FB ratio to 1/5. I would also consider retraining FB to MM.

(2) On "Hit Me!", I would retrain the EC/AS ratio to 3/1 if you make the switch to MM on "FireCracker". Else I would switch to Evasion/AS at a 1/3 ration because your EC would never become big enough to make any difference in a battle.

(3) I would retrain the AMF on "Carrier" to EC/GA at a 3/1 ration if you change from FB to MM on "FireCracker". Else I would train only Junction and MM and find some AG's and buy the HoC supporter item to equip it.

mollevitteN September 29 2007 7:15 PM EDT

For an update, the gear I have is:
A Mithril Chain Mail [28] (+40) and one at [28] (+30)
A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+8)
A pair of Displacement Boots [0] (+35) and another pair [0] (+45)
A Helm of Durin [9] (+10) and one [9] (+15)
A Pair of Alatar's Gloves [0] (+11)
A Cornuthaum [0] (+5)
An Elven Long Bow [6x225] (+40)
A Lesser Steel Familiar lvl 40
A Steel Familiar lvl 1,050,986

And thanks for the suggestions so far ;)

mollevitteN September 29 2007 10:02 PM EDT

And a Helm of Clearsight [-5]

mollevitteN September 30 2007 9:42 AM EDT

Well, then I've retrained almost everything, lol.
I went in the direction of Talion's suggestion so now I have

1) Hit Me!: Still With EC and AS, But in the ration Talion suggested

2) Firecracker: HP and MM, But a different ration

3) Carrier: EC and GA, but different ration.

So it's pretty much what Talion said, but with a few twists :)
Thanks a lot for the responses! Really helped me!

Now I'm off to get some gear ;)
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