another strat thread... (in General)

cookie dough September 29 2007 10:38 PM EDT

ugh...been refreshing the general forums every 30 seconds so how about this strat? E/FME

E: AS-also a very low PL to soak up FB
(wearing a jiggy) (using this tat out of pure stubborness)
M: CoC
E: AS-with another small PL to soak up FB if it overpowers my first enchanter

Talion September 30 2007 7:38 AM EDT

If I were you, I would opt for one of the following options...

Option 1: Turn your front E into an AC Wall. In other words, train actual HP, not AS, on that minion and equip it with the biggest AC Wall armor you can (AC, HoD, TG, CML, SC, MS). Equip a ToE on your Mage and a TSA on your back E.

Option 2: Turn your back E into a mage Wall. In other words, train actual HP, not AS, on that minion and equip it with the biggest mage Wall you can (EH, HoD, TG, CML, SC, MgS). Equip a ToE on your Mage and a TSA on your front E.

In Both cases, train at least a small AMF on your mage (no more than 1/10 of you XP) so you can defend against Decay.

Personally, I prefer option 2 because there a lots more mages out there than there are tanks. But that is just me.
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