Name that song again! (in Contests)

Lysander September 30 2007 3:53 PM EDT

Alrighty! Since this worked out so well last time, lets do it again!

Some background info: I'm a big fan of the anime bleach and I've been trying to figure out the name of this one particular song.

It plays from 00:00 to 01:10 in the video shown at the link below.

50K to the first person to find me the correct name of the song

25K to the first person to get me a copy of that song (preferably the full version of the song if there is one).

Lysander September 30 2007 4:03 PM EDT

Ok apparently the song is called
"Morning Remembrance"
so that portion of the contest is over.

so 50K to the first person to get me a copy of that song!
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