Tinkerbell/Slayer (in Public Record)

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] October 3 2007 8:45 PM EDT

he's sending me 500k to sell to Novice for USD, in exchange he gets some of the items novice is buying for me on another game.

xXS\/\/4TL34D3RXx October 3 2007 8:46 PM EDT

Transferring permanently the following items to Admin{CB1}Slayer333 (Annihilus):

* $500,000

Transfer fee: $5,000

Flamey October 3 2007 8:50 PM EDT

heh, that's actually the confirmation screen, at that point you haven't sent any money, so an xfer log would be more useful in future. :)

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] October 3 2007 8:58 PM EDT

I got the money so all is good :p
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