Talion/Koshka BoTH deal (in Public Record)

Talion October 3 2007 10:04 PM EDT

Koshka will insta up a BoTH [73x400] (+30) NW $3,907,545 with my named BoTH [73x750] (+45) NW $7,983,464 at a rate of 65%.

So Koshka will confirm by sending Repo Mage the BoTH + $2,649,350 in exchange for my named BoTH.

I will send the BoTH to Koshka after the deal is confirmed.

Koshka October 4 2007 4:38 AM EDT


Koshka (Digital Ångel) Talion (Repo Mage) A Blade of Thuringwethil ($3907545) 4:37 AM EDT
Koshka (Digital Ångel) Talion (Repo Mage) $2649350


Talion October 4 2007 6:59 AM EDT

Stormbringer has been sent. Enjoy!

Talion (Repo Mage) Koshka (Digital Ångel) Stormbringer ($7983464) -- Insta deal 6:59 AM EDT
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