Spawn: looking for a big job (in Services)

Spawn October 6 2007 7:51 PM EDT

looking for a big job (1 week job if possible)

Check: Stats ---- User/Clan for what i can forge in the amount of time you're looking for.

CM me with what you need forging and how long you want me to forge them for/ how high you want me to take them.

My rates Vary between 70%-75% depending on the item.

Probably the biggest/longest job gets it (1 week max)

Thank you :)

Spawn October 7 2007 12:52 PM EDT


Spawn October 7 2007 12:53 PM EDT

found a job :)

TheHatchetman October 8 2007 12:05 PM EDT

if ya need a wall gear job
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