Need some forging on my ELB (in Services)

{CB1} DeFiAnT [Jago] October 10 2007 3:13 PM EDT

I want to take my ELB from x632 +18 up to x700 +25

That's a NW increase of $801,976. At 70% is $561,383.

Let me know if you're interested. 50% paid upfront & no rental needed.


{CB1} DeFiAnT [Jago] October 11 2007 7:50 AM EDT

Got a forging contract. Thanks for the interest.

{CB1} DeFiAnT
(1st Person Shooter) -{Forger}-Wasp (Lord Gothmog) loan An Elven Long Bow ($5142046) -- Forging 7:49 AM EDT

{CB1} DeFiAnT [Jago] November 1 2007 4:25 PM EDT

I'm needing some more forging work on my ELB. I'm looking to add roughly $500K CB in both x and +. Current stats are: x701 +26. CM me with rates. Thanks!

{CB1} DeFiAnT [Jago] November 1 2007 11:02 PM EDT

I've got an offer. Nooneknows will be forging for me at an agreed rate.

Loaned for a week.

Job Specifics: Raise the x by 100 and add the rest to the + until its returned.
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