Clan Recruitment (in General)

Goodfish October 12 2007 12:39 AM EDT

Hey all. I'll keep this relatively short.

I'm looking for a few good heads to put in my clan, now aptly titled "This Clan name is un-PG" due to some admin difficulties with my old one including "BBQ" and "LOLSAUCE". I burn well over 1K BA a day, and I only ask that you do the same. However, the other requirement is that you must be around chat. I want to know who you are before I let you in the clan. Other than that, don't expect much- it's just a free bonus % for me, and if I can keep it around 10% by myself, I figured I might as well share the wealth.

And as a forewarning: if your daily CP's dip below 300, unless I have been notified of extenuating circumstances, you WILL be booted. Tell me beforehand if you have a trip, or too much schoolwork, and I can let that kind of thing go.

Just CM me or apply directly to my clan. You can also catch me in chat.

Of course, I welcome new players as well- the only requirement is that you play CB somewhat seriously, and you talk in chat about as much as I do (off and on). I want to get to know my clan-mates as friends and not soldiers.

Thank you all.

Goodfish October 15 2007 11:21 AM EDT

Thought a bump might be in order.

I typically manage a ~10% bonus, like I said, which puts me in the top thirty at the very worst. I recently added a friend of mine from RL, Sovietgnome, who may or may not actually help. =D

Same rules apply, just thought it might be important to say that I don't expect perfect performance. You don't need to buy BA, you just need to maintain a relatively healthy clan participation. And again, I'd like to talk to my clan mates in chat but I suppose it ought not be a requirement.

Just CM me, catch me in chat (PM, preferably), or whatever. You'll get in and you'll stay in unless you are unable to hit 300 clan points a day (that's just one set of BA each day, guys...).

This'll be the last time I look for clanners. Of course, the offer is always open, I just won't post about it. So far this has just been a waste of forum space. =D

Thanks again.

Goodfish October 15 2007 11:34 AM EDT

Eek. I was just alerted of something I was not aware of, thanks to my extended hiatus from CB2. Joining my clan would cost 1/10 of your MPR. If necessary, I am more than willing to reimburse you for the join-up fee. However, this might result in some less-than-serious clan members. Any members under 100K MPR I will pay the fee as soon as you join up and CM me how much I "owe" you. Members over 100K will be reimbursed after one week, but with an additional 50% "bonus" as interest.

So if a 400K MPR character wishes to join, I would pay him or her 60K after a week of clan involvement.

Thanks to Ash for reminding me of the clan fee. I appreciate it.

Hopefully this will result in some recruits. How else is a poor CB Player supposed to reward their clan members?

/fishing for ideas.

Thanks again, sorry for the sudden "change of plans". I think this is all for the better, however.
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