Clan character removal bug? (in General)

Talion October 15 2007 9:20 AM EDT

I have 2 characters checked as clan members. When I un-check one of the characters, I get the following message:

"Unable to make requested changes. Most likely adding the selected Character would have put your Clan over its PR or participant limit."

Is that normal?

bartjan October 15 2007 9:29 AM EDT

Well, your clan is over the limit, so most likely the code blocks any changes you want to make, instead of only those changes that can make the situation worse.

If we knew what the character is that you want to remove, an admin could try to kick that character out of the clan via the character edit screen.

Talion October 15 2007 10:33 AM EDT

Thanks for the response, sent you a CM.

Talion October 16 2007 7:47 AM EDT

I want a thank bartjan and Jon for all their help with this issue. Greatly appreciated.

You guys were great! I am back in the clan in time for crazy XP time. Woohoo!
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