I'd like a loan please. (in Services)

j'bob October 15 2007 5:16 PM EDT

OK, I need a loan. Well, I don't need one, but I've finally admitted to myself that I'd really like one. 5 million if possible. 4 million would be ok too. Chatmail me with your offers or post here, which ever you prefer.
Thank you all so much in advance!

j'bob October 15 2007 5:38 PM EDT

By the way, I have A Rune of Enlightenment that I could let the loan-er use until the loan is paid. In addition to what ever other terms one might have in mind. Thanks again.

j'bob October 19 2007 6:27 PM EDT

I thought I already did this but,
loan secured, thank you very much.
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