Time removed from previous days? (in General)

kulprit [Anarchy] October 16 2007 12:33 PM EDT

I noticed that the last login of others and the time a CM was sent gets erased and left with only the day... considering i just got 2 CMs offering the same amount for something I'm selling, its a bit difficult to figure out who i need to tell they've been outbid...

AdminJonathan October 16 2007 1:39 PM EDT

chatmails are sorted by time. the top one was first. (in the "archive" page under community, the top one was last.)

bartjan October 17 2007 3:56 AM EDT

Can it please be put back? It makes certain multi checks impossible, especially as the time is also removed from the admin pages...

Flamey October 17 2007 5:01 AM EDT

"Can it please be put back? It makes certain multi checks impossible, especially as the time is also removed from the admin pages..."

Please. +1.

AdminJonathan October 17 2007 12:42 PM EDT

added back to admin pages

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] October 17 2007 12:52 PM EDT

Can we have added back to chatmails as well please... hard to discern between two bids especially if you set a cutoff time and can't check the game till a day or two later.

AdminJonathan October 17 2007 1:14 PM EDT






QBBast [Hidden Agenda] October 17 2007 1:20 PM EDT

Time sent or time delivered/received? And if we have to go by "in order", then I'll need all my sent and received together-in-order, instead of divided into two groups each in its own order.

AdminJonathan October 17 2007 1:48 PM EDT

> Time sent or time delivered/received?


> And if we have to go by "in order", then I'll need all my sent and received together-in-order, instead of divided into two groups each in its own order.


QBBast [Hidden Agenda] October 17 2007 2:05 PM EDT

So that I know what was a reply to something I sent and what was sent, but not be received by me, before I sent what I sent. :)

QBsutekh137 October 17 2007 3:54 PM EDT

In other words, the timestamps have been a poor-man's threading system.

Hard to do without said timestamps. Jonathan, I don't think you realize how much people use Chatmails for around here, including very, very busy business transactions involving potentially dozens of people... Especially since FS/WTB was changed to a CM-ing motif instead of posting.

TheHatchetman October 17 2007 4:12 PM EDT

I think I made a fuss about this before and they came back, so I'm gonna throw my two pennies into the ring and point out that:

1)We have become accustomed to the system as was.
2)(Just about)Everyone likes the timestamps
3)They make things more convenient. It helps with the mental process a little bit. May or may not seem important, but isn't it the little things that make life what it is?

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] October 17 2007 4:17 PM EDT

This is Jon's way of making us appreciate indoor plumbing.

AdminJonathan October 17 2007 6:29 PM EDT

added time of day back to old chatmails.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] October 17 2007 6:38 PM EDT

Thank you.

[P]Mitt October 17 2007 6:47 PM EDT

Hrm, is it just me, or has the time been erased from previous days' posts?

If it's not just me, I'm requesting that they be put back up.

AdminJonathan October 17 2007 6:52 PM EDT

> has the time been erased from previous days' posts


if you want it back you will have to explain how leaving it out affects usability.

[P]Mitt October 17 2007 7:20 PM EDT

Possible uses of the timestamp include:
- Contests setting a cut-off time: "The first person to post after 5PM will win" and the person running the contest logs on the next day and realizes he can't find which one wins (I think G_Beee had a few of these contests)

- I know it's kind of trivial, but sellers trying to find which time they actually posted a FS/WTB thread, so they can bump the thread before it closes

- For record-keeping: "Interest on this loan will be compounded at 5AM" and the person repaying the loan sends the money any time that day (and the loaner logs on the next day to check)

I'm not saying it's a big deal if this feature doesn't get added back in. I'm just saying that it will make life easier on us.

Xenko October 17 2007 10:37 PM EDT

I think the real question should be:
Why were the time stamps taken away in the first place?

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] October 17 2007 10:45 PM EDT

also it seems that the last login time has been erased if it has been more than one day. So I can't see when a fellow clanny has last logged in if it is technically the next day even if it is only 20 minutes after midnight.

QBsutekh137 October 17 2007 11:57 PM EDT

I would go with Kultur on his question... Not that Jonathan has to answer to anyone (obviously), but can we get a general reason why? Data storage? Aesthetics? Performance to display the timestamps (I am not sure of various engine limitations, perhaps...)?

No one has ever said, "These timestamps are onerous!" So, why remove?

Thanks for the chatmail timestamp return!

Flamey October 18 2007 6:41 AM EDT

Why were the time stamps taken away in the first place?


TheHatchetman October 18 2007 9:50 AM EDT

wow! I love being me :)

/me snaps his fingers hoping a pair of +300 DBs will magically appear on his char ;)

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] October 18 2007 9:52 AM EDT

Why were the time stamps taken away in the first place?
And yes thanks for the time stamp return for chatmails!
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