Re-Theme Bot Checks (in General)

SNK3R October 24 2007 7:06 PM EDT

While we're in the process of re-theming CB, could we get a re-theme to bot checks as well?

I'd like to see something else (as an example, ask 2+2 = ?). Or, maybe, switch it up. Do words and numbers -- that'll at least vary it a little and ensure bots aren't conducting any illegal business by cheating.

Other comments and/or suggestions to the idea or any variation of it are most welcome (and wanted), so chime in!

Tyriel [123456789] October 24 2007 8:21 PM EDT

Make the letters more clear. "o" and "a", as well as "t" and "l" are problematic, as a few other, I'm sure.

Use more common words. Half the words I see in bot checks are words that I've never heard before.

Other then that, I think they're fine.

TheHatchetman October 24 2007 8:24 PM EDT

and remove the word "tuck" as it can be problematic fro some as well
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