BA Refresh Rate Levels (in General)

Relic October 28 2007 5:00 PM EDT

I think the refresh levels need tweaking. I am not even at 600K MPR and yet I am already in the 8/10 refresh rate club. I am not even 1/5 of the top MPR in the game, isn't that a bit early to start dropping the refresh rate?

bartjan October 28 2007 5:02 PM EDT

Just be happy about it ;)

Iluvatar[NK] October 28 2007 5:03 PM EDT

8/10 allows you to get a decent amount of sleep. :P

What's wrong with it lowering refresh rate at 600k MPR? You simply qualify it as needing "tweaking" but don't explain why.

Yukk October 28 2007 5:07 PM EDT

Lowering your refresh rate is GOOD !
As has been said, you get more sleep, lose less BA overnight (for those of use with wives, jobs and so on) and you get better rewards per fight. So if you made 100k XP using all your BA at 9/20 then the next day on 8/20 if you burn all of it you should still get 100k XP, just with less effort (plus since you can sleep more hours overnight, chances are you actually burn a larger percentage of your BA as an added bonus)

Relic October 28 2007 5:07 PM EDT

Because although it does mean more sleep and somewhat higher rewards, it doesn't make sense to me. Shouldn't the levels be adjusted according to a tighter MPR comparison. At this rate I will be in 7/10 land for a really long time. It just seems odd is all.

QBJohnnywas October 28 2007 5:08 PM EDT

You'll be in the 8/10 club for quite some time yet. My last char was up to 1.1 million MPR and still in 8/10....

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 28 2007 5:27 PM EDT

I was thrilled to hit 8/10, 7 hours of sleep a night again :D

Although now that Ranger is using an RoE, it will be longer now until we hit that 7/20 range. Crossing my fingers to end up at 6/20.
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