Looking for a forger for my Mageseeker (in Services)

Lysander October 30 2007 12:26 AM EDT

I want about 2M nw pumped into the X on my bow.
if you're up for the challenge plz CM me with your rate

Lysander October 31 2007 2:17 AM EDT

has stepped up and the rate will be 65%
loan period will be 3 days
payment will be... uhh I guess 300K now and the rest upon completion

2M X .65 = 1300000

so 1M upon completion
with 300K being sent now

traslee November 2 2007 5:57 AM EDT

Starting on the bow as of now. To up the X by 2mil NW, expected to complete in 3days from now. Has received 300k.

A Mageseeker [5x400] (+60) NW$6,672,928

traslee November 3 2007 12:40 PM EDT

Update: A Mageseeker [5x519] (+60) NW$7,708,251

traslee November 5 2007 5:51 AM EST

Final Update: A Mageseeker [5x631] (+60) NW$8,682,668
NW difference: $2,009,740
Amount due at 65%: $1,306,331
Amount after including initial payment and transfer fees: $1,075,712
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