Need forger for my HoC +4 (in Services)

Smartmuck October 30 2007 10:24 AM EDT

Looking to make it +10.

Itᄡs a NW increase from 18,004 to 612,554.

Dunno how thatᄡd be priced, this is my first time asking for something like this! If someone will do this, please let me know your standard rate.

Definitely must be under the blacksmith price of 594k for this! :)

Smartmuck October 30 2007 10:33 AM EDT

Ok, I looked around the site, and Iᄡve decided Iᄡll pay 65% for the forging, which brings it up to 386,500 (rounded up a bit).

If I need to raise the percentage a bit to get a forger, I will. If someone will do it for less, yay for them :)

Smartmuck October 30 2007 3:40 PM EDT

Nevermind. I've gotten advised to save the cash for other items.
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