Xbox 360 question (in Off-topic)

Desperado [Chaotic Serenity] October 30 2007 8:58 PM EDT

A friend of mine said he'd sell me his xbox 360.

He'll sell me the 360,1 controller, and gears of war for $170 or he'll throw in Halo 3 for $200.

My friends brother bought the 360 off ebay used and then my friend bought it from him so its at least 3 times used.

Im probably not gonna play online, just with my friends and brother.

Should i do it? I'm not sure whats a good deal and whats not.

48Zach October 30 2007 8:59 PM EDT

Xbox 360 with Wireless Controller and Gears of War sells for $400-500 in stores. Halo 3 is another $80 on top of that. So lets say $600 brand new..

$200 is a good deal, just make sure you are getting your money's worth.

[RX3]Cotillion October 30 2007 9:06 PM EDT

It's not it's actual value in store that worries him, it's the fact that it's been used by 3 different people.

My advice is to see if it makes any weird noises and actually start it up. Check the case for physical damage/marks. Make sure you have all the cables too, because they aren't cheap. Also, if it doesn't come with the harddrive, then you're just basically buying the Core $299 system.

Also, if it's a good friend, then hes probably trying to help you out, if it's just an acquaintance, then I'm not so sure. (Who would want to sell you a all that when they can probably get more at EBGames and such?)

SNK3R October 30 2007 9:11 PM EDT

Go for a test-run with it for a little while before buying it.

Same philosophy with a car.
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