unPG item name Re-named! (in General)

chuck1234 November 2 2007 10:43 PM EDT

lol....i don't know what to say!!! my folks got to know [someone peeped] of my RoBF name, and they felt it wasn't quite PG, so here's the new name:

Sizzling Bond Girl Oomph [Named Rune of Balrog Flame]

previously was "Trench Overcoat made from Bond Girls' Lingerie" ....decidedly unPG, or wot?!!! good thing cb2 allows a further extension of 12 months.

btw, the other item named is an AoI: Camouflage Gear.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 3 2007 12:36 AM EDT

Ha ha! I told on you!

chuck1234 November 3 2007 1:11 AM EDT

it seemed like a good thing at that time, but the new name's better :)
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