What Minion Next??? (in General)

Uniden November 3 2007 2:33 AM EDT

I have an single minion Archer right now, and I just hired another minion with 370k exp. I don't know what kind of minion to make him though : \ So I have come to the forums to seek guidance. What kind of minion would help me the most?

Relic November 3 2007 2:40 AM EDT

PL, HP and AMF would be a decent choice, although GA hurts archers a bit, you might want to consider DM also.

chuck1234 November 3 2007 2:42 AM EDT

since you don't have any AMF, that should be a priority; depending upon your fight list stats you can evaluate evasion if you are pretty close to downing other tanks, but a good evasion will require more exp than that.

TheHatchetman November 3 2007 2:42 AM EDT

perhaps DM to help cut down on GA damage you receive. or maybe small amounts of ST and DX (like 1k each), HP and PL to help cut down on E/Axbow's drain. But your next move should be to get a real ToA.

Uniden November 3 2007 12:23 PM EDT

I think I am going to follow Scion and King of Pain.

Their build consists of a single archer with one PL/HP minion.

Thx for ur advice though :D
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