New Player Introduction (in New players)

ActionAction November 4 2007 1:27 AM EDT

Hello =). You've probably figured out why I'm posting this, so I won't go into any details.

So, just out of curiousity, how did some of you find this site? I'm curious because I semi-accidentally stumbled upon here while searching for a game to play.

FuriousHobo November 4 2007 1:32 AM EDT

hello. im am your mentor. and i found this site thru searching for a game to play, saying that this game was rated good. And so i tried and liked it.

SCORPIOUS November 4 2007 10:36 AM EST

Hi and welcome, I too stumbled across this site in much the same manner and now im hooked, I luv it.Enjoy the carnage
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