1.7M MPR forger looking for work (in Services)

SNK3R November 6 2007 11:27 AM EST

1.7M MPR. Charge 70%. Post here if you need any work done.

Preference to large jobs, but will consider smaller ones as well.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 6 2007 11:40 AM EST

not the most attactive job but I could use some forging on my +166 dbs

Abit November 9 2007 2:06 AM EST

hey SNK, hows life?

I have A Blade of Thuringwethil [73x13] (+23) I could use some forging on. Probably on around 700k-1m to spend.

If not I will look to see if anyone has one to trade

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] November 9 2007 2:10 AM EST

Isn't that kinda hijacking the thread? I mean, if someone was looking at your post and they wanted to trade BoTHs, isn't that dodging the FS/WTB fee sort of?

Iluvatar[NK] November 9 2007 2:12 AM EST

Fanta, leave Abit alone :P

everyone loves Abit ^^;
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