I think I could use some help on my NCB's progress... (in General)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 8 2007 8:25 AM EST

I have an NCB (The Forsaken) and am -trying- to grow it. Its a RoBF, (duh! :)
And I don't think its growing very good. I'm spending -roughly- 420 BA a day.
Whats a reasonable MPR I can expect to be by the time this is over? (NCB, that is)

QBJohnnywas November 8 2007 8:31 AM EST

What are your challenge bonuses like? Waste some BA finding higher score opponents you can beat, which should raise your bonuses and thereby speed up your growth.

There are loads of opponents who are vulnerable to the RBF out there by the way...*speaking from recent experience*

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 8 2007 8:33 AM EST

Almost everyone on my fightlist is 100%.

Talion November 8 2007 9:21 AM EST

"Almost everyone on my fightlist is 100%."

That will change once you pass 700K MPR.

At 420 BA per day, expect to reach about 1.5M MPR, give or take 250K MPR.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 8 2007 9:23 AM EST

I won't be back on until Tuesday or so( Vacation ;P). I really hope to make it to atleast 1mil MPR, btw. =D

Talion November 8 2007 9:24 AM EST

I checked your character more closely and actually... at the rate you are going, you'll be lucky if you reach 1M MPR.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 8 2007 10:05 AM EST

Probably, thats why i'm trying to buy more BA.
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