Looking for loan/NUB Forger (in Services)

ActionAction December 3 2007 2:45 AM EST

Looking for a $3mil loan at standard 5% interest rate; I've Chatmailed lostling about it, but I'm not sure if s/he saw it or not ;x.

Also, forging any and all items - I'm not sure how much NW I can get done in a week, but I'll put all my BA into a job. Standard 65% NW difference. I'll forge one job for up to two weeks, if you really want to, although I'd really prefer one week.

CM me/reply here please!

ActionAction December 4 2007 1:52 AM EST

Anyone for the loan? I'd really like to get that as soon as possible =[.

ActionAction December 4 2007 7:42 PM EST

From: Little Devil Sent: 11:14 AM EST Delivered: 7:23 PM EST
okay i want a HoD done its + 19 I want it +24 that would be a 4.3 mil NW added

Hooray! First job =). Also, if anyone is still looking for forging, I can put you on a wait list. Remember, I do all items, even crappy helms like that HoD ;P.

Iluvatar[NK] December 4 2007 8:12 PM EST

If you'd like to work on an AoAC, I have one for you after you're done with LD's job.

ActionAction December 4 2007 11:49 PM EST

Working on Romantic's AoAC for a week after I finish LD's HoD =).

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] December 5 2007 1:10 PM EST

I've got a job for you after Romantic's is done.

ActionAction December 6 2007 7:35 PM EST

After I take Draco's offer (if he's still interested), I'm raising my forge % to 70% if you decide to give me crappy helms and amulets and stuff. x___x. The original 65% remains for the easily forged items.

ActionAction December 6 2007 7:41 PM EST

Just to clarify that, the deals with LD, Romantic, and Draco will be at 65%, while any offers coming in afterwards will be at a higher rate for above-stated items.

I'm also still looking for that $3mil loan ~__~. Or an advance from a potential client would be nice too ;D.
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