Forsaken//Little Devil - Forging HoD =) (in Public Record)

ActionAction December 5 2007 11:00 AM EST

Forging a HoD from +19 to +24 at 65% standard rate for Little Devil. Confirm here please =).

ActionAction December 6 2007 7:30 PM EST

Start: A Helm of Durin [9] (+19) (NW: $1,353,253)

Current: A Helm of Durin [9] (+21) (NW: $2,405,143)

Amount owed by LD to date: $683,729

I'm also assuming it's confirmed, since I've received a bunch of CMs from him about it.

ActionAction December 12 2007 9:19 PM EST

A Helm of Durin [9] (<b>+24</b>)
Finally finished =)! Just have to wait for LD to send me the monies, and we're set.

ActionAction December 12 2007 9:21 PM EST

Err, we'll just pretend that last post was in HTML ~__~.

Final amount owed (65% of NW difference): $2,826,158
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