Some small UI suggestion (in General)

Lumpy Koala December 16 2007 8:10 PM EST

1. Currently in Manage Char link, there's a column showing Ammo. It makes sense when everyone has an ammo cap, but it doesn't mean anything now. So can it be removed or replaced?

2. Correct me if I am wrong, but the only way I can see my active char's PR / MPR is in the equip page. Also it's not even shown in manage char page (the summary table), which is weird :P I suggest remove the ammo column mentioned above and replace it with PR/MPR.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 16 2007 8:13 PM EST

the actual char pages have pr/mpr...

Lumpy Koala December 16 2007 8:54 PM EST

I would like to see a summary page.
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