Creating a 2 minion team. (in General)

Carnage Blendee December 17 2007 4:21 PM EST

I was looking through the wiki and basically the help there stated to make a Enchanter + a Mage.

Now from what I have read, I shouldn't be putting any 'points into DX' as the tutorial tells me to, nor should I be focussing on Magic Missile on my mage. I should be hoarding my points up so that I may purchase Ablative Shield and Anti-Magic field. *Roughly 800 points total*

My mage should be focussing on a spell other than Magic Missile, unless I wish to not put any points into Evasion or somesuch.

What I am asking is this. For a beginner working his way through the ranks, what is an ideal 2 minion team. Should I focus on stats originally, then when I have a large quantity of experience, purchase 2 new minions, scrap the ones I have, and do the Enchanter - Mage combo?

Cheers for the advice in advance

Talion December 17 2007 4:28 PM EST

My advice...

Minion 1: 1/5 Evasion + rest in Magic Missile

Minion 2: 1/5 Dispel + rest in AS

Untrain whatever XP you have in any other statistic and sell your weapon.

Try to find a base tattoo (not a lesser) as soon as you can and equip it on Minion 1.

Ulord[NK] December 17 2007 4:30 PM EST

A steel familiar would be great with the strategy Talon outlined. Your targets: teams with primary damage dealers in the back. Eliminate their damage source in ranged and dispatch the rest.

Carnage Blendee December 17 2007 4:35 PM EST

So my AS Enchanter should not be using a weapon? The only damage I'm going to be doing is with my mage, yes?

Ulord[NK] December 17 2007 4:45 PM EST

That's correct. Enchanters cannot fight effectively with weapons. You'll be using it as a wall for absorbing MM damage in the back.

Carnage Blendee December 17 2007 4:54 PM EST

Okay, so two things.

Should my mage be in the front or the back?
What spell should my mage be focussing on?
Should my Enchanter only be focussing on Ablative Shield? If not what should he be focussing on, at what ratio's?
Should my mage only be focussing on a single spell? Or should I take Evasion as well? Will 1/3rd Evasion - Max spell work?

Ulord[NK] December 17 2007 5:15 PM EST

To answer your question, you need to first determine what spell you want to use. Fireball fires early, does good spread damage but will friendly fire in melee. Magic missile fires early, concentrates to rear minion but does the least overall damage. CoC does heavy damage, only starts firing in melee (or 1 round of ranged if you have helm of clearsight equiped). All three spells would demand a different build and you need to pick what you want to do. Magic missile is not a bad choice as it is very easy to use with no drawbacks. I'd recommend it for a new player.

Here is my recommendation for your two minion team based on what Tailon said:

minion 1: 2/3 MM, 1/3 evasion
minion 2: 1/4 dispel magic, 3/4 AS, equip steel familiar

With the relatively small dispel magic, you can cancel out Guardian Angels and hopefully kill quickly with your and your familliar's magic missile, taking out key damage dealer from the back.

Eventually, you'll want to super buff your evasion with items like elven cloak, elven glove and elven boots. Try them by renting from rental. This should be a fairly easy strategy to get you going.

Talion December 17 2007 8:06 PM EST

That's a good suggestion, although I would invest a lot more into MM than Evasion. At least 3/4 XP into MM if not 4/5.

And the mage should definitely go in front. The Evasion will protect it against other MM mages and Evasion will protect it against tanks using ranged weapons.

Until you find a tattoo or a familiar, you will be very susceptible to FB mages, but that's ok. There are no strategies that are invulnerable to everything.
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