Dirty Sleeper / wildething deal (in Public Record)

[YG]Wildthing December 18 2007 3:11 PM EST

I am selling my +100 Dbs for 10mil. I am going to be sending the boots over now because I dont know when I will be back on. Dirty Sleeper has told me he has a large portion of the 10mil, but not all of it, he will be sending it over as soon as he can

Unappreciated Misnomer December 18 2007 5:37 PM EST

Dirty Sleeper (Lorenzo) [YG]Wildthing (Maigus) $8500000 -- for dbs, owed 1,5m 5:36 PM EST

waiting on fight rewards and monies owed from fluffy bunny

Unappreciated Misnomer December 21 2007 2:31 AM EST

Dirty Sleeper (Lorenzo) [YG]Wildthing (Maigus) $1500000 -- db paid off 2:30 AM EST
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