Chain Wallets on a Plane (in Off-topic)

Lord Bob December 21 2007 3:31 PM EST

The horribly lame sequel to Snakes...

Moving on. As some of you may know, I'll be spending the holidays far far over seas in the Philippines this year. There's just one thing I'm worried about. I wear a chain wallet, the chain is about 12", and I'm worried it will be flagged as a security risk at the airport. I obviously can't travel without my wallet, and simply removing the chain isn't an option.

I flew with the same wallet to Mexico and back in 2002, but I'm sure the rules have changed a bit since then. Do any of you know the rules regarding chain wallets on flights? Or can anyone point me to a website that has this information?

InebriatedArsonist December 21 2007 3:35 PM EST

When it comes to the TSA, expect the worst possible scenario. As such, you need to purchase a cheap wallet that won't raise undue suspicion. Besides, once you make it to the Philippines you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a decent replacement at a nice price.

Lord Bob December 21 2007 5:03 PM EST

I'm thinking I should put it in my suitcase for the flight.

Any other input would still be appreciated though.

Monkeyboy December 21 2007 5:14 PM EST

I took a quick look on the Transportation Security Administration website ( It didn't list wallets or chains as prohibited items, so I don't think your wallet poses a problem for travel. Though that might not be true for international travel???
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