Help me help Hatchet (in Off-topic)

Ernest-Scribbler December 23 2007 1:30 AM EST

If the hatch doesn't smoke anything for a month, i am going to give him 1mil cb. I am trusting that he wouldn't lie anout it then take my money. If anyone else is in do the same, or less, or MORE:)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 23 2007 1:36 AM EST

One of the things I did was promise myself that if I didn't smoke I could spend the money I would have spent smoking on cb...

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] December 23 2007 1:40 AM EST

nice! quitting should definitely help his asthma and his pocketbook. i quit dipping snuff after 22 years this past spring and figured that it will save me about 1k a year not counting future possible medical bills. i used gums, lozenges and patches while quitting and would definitely recommend the patches over the other products.

g'luck to you both.

TheHatchetman December 26 2007 8:58 PM EST

hehe, project failed... I'm smoking again... =/

On a bright side, I'm at 2-4 ciggs a day instead of my previous 20-35... :)

Monkeyboy December 26 2007 9:16 PM EST

7 months ago, I broke my 15 year smoking habit (1 to 2 packs a day) with the help of the prescription drug "Chantix". In the past I tried the patch, the gum, cold turkey, etc., but to no avail. This time was much different because Chantix drastically reduced the cravings and other negative side effects. Over all, it made the process of quiting much less unpleasant.

Anyway, I'd recommend you check with your doctor if you're serious about quitting (but can't quite get it done on your own).

TheHatchetman December 26 2007 9:23 PM EST

yeah, i looked into that, but it has sttrong adverse reactions to asthma medication... Much as i hate to say it, quitting that way would be bad for my breathing :P

AdminNightStrike December 26 2007 9:36 PM EST

"dipping snuff"?

Yukk December 27 2007 1:01 PM EST

No NS, I wouldn't recommend he go for the snuff instead.
Find a way to give up though Hatchet. I'm asthmatic too and I know that one of my major triggers is cigarette smoke. It's far more noxious (and obnoxious) than any other smoke I generally come into contact with.
Besides, as I'm sure you know, and no offence intended, it's kind of stupid to breathe in that nasty stuff on purpose. :) Even more so if you're asthmatic.
Cutting back's a good start though and it's definitely a lot easier to quit once you've managed that for a while.
Good luck. Nobody wants you missing your BA because you're back in hospital.
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