jamba and Ulord (in Public Record)

Ulord[NK] January 9 2008 5:36 PM EST

Jamba is instaing up his 3.6mil ish elbow to my 4.9mil ish elbow. The total at 67% nw comes to 1110000. He'll pay off as much as he can for now and the rest in this week. Please confirm. Thanks.

Ulord[NK] January 9 2008 5:37 PM EST

Correction: Jamba's elbow is around 3.17mil actually

Jamba in da Juice January 9 2008 10:47 PM EST

i can actually pay all of it off now that i've fought a little more

Ulord[NK] January 9 2008 10:54 PM EST

(Rigwarl Bristleback) Jamba in da Juice (Fsha) An Elven Long Bow ($4830963) -- for insta

Apologies for the delay. Please send the money at your convenience. Thanks.

Jamba in da Juice January 9 2008 10:54 PM EST

Jamba in da Juice (Fsha) [Broke]Ulord[NK]
(Rigwarl Bristleback) $1100000 10:53 PM EST

transaction complete

Ulord[NK] January 9 2008 10:57 PM EST

You still have to send me your lesser elbow :). It's an insta, not a purchase hehe.

Jamba in da Juice January 9 2008 11:29 PM EST

i forgot about this

Jamba in da Juice (Fsha) [Broke]Ulord[NK]
(Rigwarl Bristleback) An Elven Long Bow ($3167717) -- for the insta 11:28 PM EST

Now it's the end of the transaction

Ulord[NK] January 9 2008 11:30 PM EST

Thanks. Nice doing business.
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