Hatchet/Sunshadow deal (in Public Record)

TheHatchetman January 11 2008 10:45 PM EST

I will be buying his supportership in a few days (soon as the paypal deposits go through, allowing me to link my bank account), and I bought A Great Blue Heron Poised to Strike Irezumi lvl 157,624 2,868,712 for him for a total of 2.8m. He will be paying this through a payment plan.

If he should default for any reason (he seems trustowrthy, so the only reason I see a possible default would be lack of CB access), he will return the tat, and give me the HoC he gets from supportership. Should this happen, and he return and pay the remainder of his debt, said items will return... But, like i said, this is just an insurance policy, I don't see this paragraph being necessary :P

Not sure what, if any, down payment there will be, and payments are on his schedule, so long as he's reasonable about it ^_^

If all is correct, please confirm. If i missed something, or got something wrong, please let me know ^_^

Sunshadow January 11 2008 11:00 PM EST

Thx you for your help im half angel half demon messenger of carma

Sunshadow January 11 2008 11:01 PM EST

just sen 300k

Sunshadow January 11 2008 11:02 PM EST

2.5 million to go:)

TheHatchetman January 14 2008 1:55 PM EST

Just sent payment for your supportership. It'll go through as soon as Jon checks his e-mail and hits the button ^_^

Sunshadow January 16 2008 2:39 PM EST

thx bud i just made a little payment 500k and that tattoo rocks [admin edit]PG please

Sunshadow January 23 2008 11:36 PM EST

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