Jamba & RX3 Elbow Insta (in Public Record)

[RX3]Cotillion January 12 2008 2:36 PM EST

Jamba in da Juice will be insta'ing his Elbow with a NW of $4,830,963 to my Elven Long Bow [6x1405] (+54) $14,238,544, at a 70% rate.

$14,238,544 - $4,830,963 = $9,407,.581 * .7 = $6,585,306

He will pay $4,000,000 down, and the rest on a payplan.

TheHatchetman January 12 2008 3:46 PM EST

The Hatchetman (Television Man) [RX3] RedX13 (Ruins) $4000000 3:43 PM EST

As per CM agreement, Jamba will be paying back $4,040,000 after he finishes paying RX3 ^_^

[RX3]Cotillion January 12 2008 4:28 PM EST

Bows have been swapped, and Jamba has made an additional payment of $800,000. The new balance is:

$6,585,306 - $4,800,000 = $1,785,306

Jamba in da Juice (Fsha) [RX3] RedX13 (Ruins) An Elven Long Bow [6x476] (+35) (end-auction 109709) 4:26 PM EST

[RX3] RedX13 (Ruins) auctioneer (auctioneer) $1000 (bid 109709) 4:26 PM EST

[RX3] RedX13 (Ruins) Jamba in da Juice (Fsha) An Elven Long Bow [6x1405] (+54) (end-auction 109708) 4:21 PM EST

auctioneer (auctioneer) [RX3] RedX13 (Ruins) $800000 (end-auction 109708) 4:21 PM EST

Jamba in da Juice January 19 2008 11:54 PM EST

Gummy Bear (might) owe me 1.5k, he instead of paying me directly, he will pay you 200k a week and I'll pay 300k per week starting next week.

Jamba in da Juice January 19 2008 11:59 PM EST

the separate payments are to reduce overall transfer fees, just wanted to clear that up

i sent 500k

Jamba in da Juice (Fsha) [RX3] RedX13 (Ruins) $500000 11:56 PM EST

Jamba in da Juice January 20 2008 9:22 PM EST

the deal i had with GummyBear was called off because i lost the auction for the item he wanted

[RX3]Cotillion January 24 2008 4:34 PM EST

All paid off. Thanks Jamba.

Jamba in da Juice (Fsha) [RX3] RedX13 (Ruins) $1285306 4:32 PM EST

Jamba in da Juice January 24 2008 4:35 PM EST

$1,785,306 - $500,000 = $1,285,306

and now, the following payment

Jamba in da Juice (Fsha) [RX3] RedX13 (Ruins) $1285306 4:32 PM EST

1,285,306 - 1,285,306 = 0

Jamba in da Juice January 24 2008 4:35 PM EST

welcome :D
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