Explosive Shot Regeneration Rate (in General)

Xenko January 14 2008 7:40 PM EST

"The store will now generate significantly more ex shot and less iron shot. "Farming" ex shot is officially legal. (Although I intend to tweak the generation rates as needed to make this unnecessary in practice.)"

I think the rate needs a little work as everyone is still "farming" them.

Lumpy Koala January 14 2008 8:30 PM EST

farming is good, good cash dump

Hyrule Castle [Defy] January 14 2008 9:02 PM EST

hell why even have iron shots... just increase the price of EXP shots...and get rid of iron shots all together...

Or even make iron shots the "rare" spawn ?

iBananco [Blue Army] January 14 2008 9:21 PM EST

I say separate iron/exp shots to make four types of ammo that the store takes into consideration when restocking, then either drop exp shot base to significantly less than 8, or preferably lower the damage it does to the targetted minion to 25% of what it currently is so that each minion takes the same amount of damage.

[P]Mitt January 14 2008 9:37 PM EST

if ex. shot is so plentiful, why do we need iron shot?

AdminJonathan January 14 2008 10:06 PM EST


Yukk January 14 2008 11:03 PM EST

Wow, super-spawn. Yep. Definitely tweaked. Now ex-shot is super common.
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