Looking for a Large Loan (in Services)

QBJohnnywas January 18 2008 10:22 AM EST

I'm looking to borrow 20 Million. I'm looking for quite a long payback period, although I'm more than likely to pay back well in advance.

Currently I'm making about 1-2 million a week, so I can probably guarantee a up to a million paid back a week, RL permitting.

I'm afraid I have no collateral to offer, but my last loan - 5 million from Lostling was paid back within a week. I'll also guarantee that if I come across problems in paying back that I would sell items in order to pay you back.

Thanks in advance.

QBJohnnywas January 18 2008 10:27 AM EST

Just to add to that:

I've only taken a couple of loans out, but I've bought quite a lot on pay plans; check out my past PRs for details. The longest time I took in paying somebody back was Barzoo I think - 7 mill over about 4 weeks.
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