January 18 2008 6:39 PM EST
Ok, it's a little early - GL's birthday is Saturday, but I'm busy then and it's nearly Midnight in London and already Saturday in some parts of the world!
Happy Birthday GL!!!
Happy Birthday to the youngster! ;)
January 18 2008 6:57 PM EST
Happy Birthday!! Stay Safe!
January 18 2008 7:01 PM EST
Happy Birthday GL!
Remember the immortal words of Groucho Marx:
"You're only as old as the woman you feel."
January 18 2008 8:04 PM EST
Happy bday, here it IS effectively saturday now :-)
don't become a grouchy oldie :p
January 19 2008 12:37 AM EST
Saturday here now too ^_^ Happy Birthday man! Californians and whatnot are soon to follow :P
January 19 2008 12:40 AM EST
I'm still a bit premature ... but it's only 20 minutes so
January 19 2008 2:44 AM EST
GL, Here's wishing you a Very Happy Birthday, Sir!
Your birthday is 10 minutes away here...
but I'm always early to the best parties!
Happy Birthday!
Thanks all! ;)
I'm sitting here, after cancelling my Birthday plans (sob) recovering from a small bout of the winter nonovirus. :(
Claire's getting Emma up, then I can open my pressies! :D
January 19 2008 5:05 AM EST
Have fun opening them, GL! Congratulations :)
January 19 2008 5:20 AM EST
Happy Birthday GL !!!! Enjoy your B-Day :)
January 19 2008 10:33 AM EST
Hope your Birthday is great! Best wishes for the new year ahead. :)
Was all good!
My folks got me Resi Evil 4 for our Wii (and a rechargable stand for the controllers), Claire got me Fall of Kings (maybe I'll actually read the second in the trillogy now), the third season of Scrubs on DVD and many ex Xmas stuff in the Boots/Sainsburies sales (including the original Transformer cartoon movie!). My In Laws got me a HMV gift card.
My Sis is coming over tonight, and she's got me another Wii game. Knowing her, it's probably Big Brain Academy! ;)
January 19 2008 11:42 AM EST
Happy Birthday GL! We can celebrate in about a week!
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