Wiki needs help. (in General)

BluBBen January 21 2008 2:11 AM EST

The page of supporter item are out of date. I don't have time to update right now so I'll leave it up to you guys! :-)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 21 2008 9:51 AM EST

i also have a request for the wiki that i do not have the time or inclination to fulfill myself, but will bring up in case someone else thinks it is useful enough to implement. i would like to see all of the items have a link that points to their recent auctions.

[RX3]Cotillion January 21 2008 3:01 PM EST

There you go Dudemus.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] January 21 2008 4:02 PM EST

Nice job, Red. Simple but still very useful addition.

[RX3]Cotillion January 21 2008 4:03 PM EST

I try to do what simple tasks my simple mind can complete.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 21 2008 4:21 PM EST

thanks red, that is nice!

Jamba in da Juice January 21 2008 5:33 PM EST

it'd be nice if you could have a search bar to look up items in wiki

[RX3]Cotillion January 21 2008 5:39 PM EST

I'm not sure what you mean. There isn't a need for a search bar, but if you absolutely 'need' to look at one page and look for an item, there is always the List of all created pages, along with handy Ctrl + F feature. That's probably the closest you're going to get to having a wiki search bar. Hell, even the forums search bars are broken. I can't even search for the word Elven and have anything pop up.

''Messages matching "Elven"

* sorry, but no messages matched this query; remember that your query string should be space-separated words without plurals (since we're just doing simple stupid keyword matching)''

Unless I'm really retarded.

Jamba in da Juice January 21 2008 5:49 PM EST

apparently u can't use caps in the forum search, which is kinda weird/annoying

[RX3]Cotillion January 21 2008 5:50 PM EST

I guess I am really retarded then... Wow...

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 21 2008 6:34 PM EST

remember you can use google to search specific domains, for example if i wanted to look in our wiki for fireball, i would type the following in the google search box:


Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 21 2008 6:38 PM EST

perhaps we need a wiki entry explaining to people how they can use google to search the wiki? it does come up often.

Flamey January 21 2008 7:55 PM EST

Red/Dude, I could've sworn pages already had links to previous auctions, maybe not all of them, but I'm pretty sure they were there.

[RX3]Cotillion January 21 2008 8:29 PM EST

A handful did.
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