anyone need loans? (in Services)

Jamba in da Juice January 21 2008 11:49 AM EST

i have 1.7mil total, so if anyone needs less/equal to that..... I'll charge 3% extra so if i loan u 1.7mil you'll pay me 1,751,000 back

Jamba in da Juice January 21 2008 11:51 AM EST

please pay back within 2 or 3 weeks

TheHatchetman January 21 2008 2:32 PM EST

It might be more helpful for you to pay off your current pp and loan from me ;)
I'm currently in debt myself, but offered you the loan figuring it would be a semi-quick repayment and help ya out without setting me too far back.

Loaning money is also a bit more complicated than just making a thread offering to give money at an interest rate... It is ill-advised to try to make a loan service with less than 20m. And successful services require lots of knowhow about the community, so you know who is likely to pay ya back quickly, who is liable to take forever, and who is likely to stiff ya all together...

Jamba in da Juice January 21 2008 5:46 PM EST

hatch, part of the reason i was doing this is because then i could loan more, and the interest rate would help me pay u/redx quicker
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