Sir Leon/PainKiller Forge contract Terminates (in Public Record)

Wizard'sFirstRule January 30 2008 11:57 PM EST

Sir Leon begins forging at TG +16, first point is free (as suggested by him). and now the TG is at +19 with RPM 79%. I have paid 2m total.
+17 NW=1970755 (according to wiki)
+19 NW=4515088
+20 NW=6834380
total owed=4515088-1970755+(6834380-4515088)*79%
forge fee charaged at 70%
3063601 owed
Total fee due=1063601. is it correct? please confirm.

Wizard'sFirstRule January 30 2008 11:59 PM EST

PainKiller (Fasunaus) Sir Leon (Mishras Factory) $1063601 -- end forge. check PR 11:59 PM EST
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