Just for some fun! (in Off-topic)

BluBBen January 31 2008 9:27 AM EST

A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.


Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] January 31 2008 9:34 AM EST

Yeah. Women struggle with logic, eh?

But it's okay. I've gotten used to it. And I still cannot do two things at once, so I figure it's a draw between me and the ladies ;)

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] January 31 2008 9:38 AM EST

Be an actual friend or pack up your toys & go home. Hangin' around, hopin' to get some, then whining about is asinine.

BluBBen January 31 2008 9:44 AM EST

This is just something I found on the new. It's not any story from my real life Bast. Cool down. :-)

BluBBen January 31 2008 9:45 AM EST

"on the net" not "on the new"

Talion January 31 2008 9:50 AM EST

"And I still cannot do two things at once..."

Ash, some advice acquired through hard earned experience: No one can effectively do two things at once. No one.

When a woman says she can do two things at once, it's the exact same thing as when a man says he isn't really lost.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] January 31 2008 9:57 AM EST


I *ahem* never get lost, though...I *ahem* "explore new places".

j'bob January 31 2008 10:04 AM EST

"Be an actual friend or pack up your toys & go home. Hangin' around, hopin' to get some, then whining about is asinine"

Wow, was that defensive? :) Hit a little close to home?
He he he. Just teasing, his subject line WAS Just for some fun!

And he didn't even say anything about bringing toys, they're still just friends for cry eye!

IndependenZ January 31 2008 10:08 AM EST

If you really want to be more than just a friend to a girl, then express your feelings and make sure she knows it. Never, ever stay in doubt. When she tells you she doesn't like you in that way, be a good sport and deal with it. Be a real friend, essentially.

And remember, there are always more fish in the sea. Well, that's that for today, join me tomorrow for another lesson in Home Entertainment. Cheers :)

*holds his map upside-down and heads for the exit*

QBJohnnywas January 31 2008 10:17 AM EST

I grew up in a house full of women. Most of my friends are women. I married one. My best friend outside of my marriage is a woman.

I still don't understand them. I don't try. I'll always be wrong.

QBOddBird January 31 2008 10:17 AM EST

"Be an actual friend or pack up your toys & go home. Hangin' around, hopin' to get some, then whining about is asinine."

Hahahaha, now that is -awesome-. That really and truly made me laugh out loud when I read it. ^_^

Btw, isn't BluBBen's quote originally from that standup comedian whose name I can't ever recall?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 31 2008 10:19 AM EST

Hahahahahaha!!!! Too true Johnny. ;) Incubus had a wonderful song about nderstanding women. ;)

As for letting them know, sure you could do that.

Or you could be so insecure and in perpetual fear of the inevitable rejection that you keep quite and wait for the day she actually opens up to you herself.

Works for some. ;)

Why do we always have to make the first move?

QBOddBird January 31 2008 10:22 AM EST

Its a tradeoff, man. We make the first move, they repay us by spending the rest of their life making babies and cleaning house. ~_^

I expect 5200 feminists should shortly join CB2 in order to gain forum access, as they can smell this stuff from miles away.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] January 31 2008 10:22 AM EST

"Why do we always have to make the first move? "

Because it is expected.

QBJohnnywas January 31 2008 10:27 AM EST

I hate those times when you're friends with somebody, who you actually like as more than a friend. But you never say anything because you're afraid of damaging the friendship. OK? And then several years later you find out that the other person was waiting for you to make a move.

After the 3rd time that happened to me I became decidedly forward in letting women know how I feel.

After the 3rd time I did that I stopped feeling pain and now everything is fine and dandy.

ActionAction January 31 2008 10:36 AM EST

"Be an actual friend or pack up your toys & go home. Hangin' around, hopin' to get some, then whining about is asinine."

I couldn't have said it better myself :).

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 31 2008 10:37 AM EST

Johnny, I can so relate to that as well. ;)

As for "it's expected". Whisst! This is the age of equal opportunities!

Woman shouldn't place those sort of expectations on men any more, and take an equal role in 'love' game. ;)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 31 2008 10:39 AM EST

Sorry, I should have said, those sort of outdated expectations. ;)

QBOddBird January 31 2008 10:39 AM EST

Yeah! I'm equalizing my role as well, soon as I can find some low-cut shirts for men...*shops*

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] January 31 2008 10:48 AM EST

Amen, GL.

QBJohnnywas January 31 2008 11:31 AM EST

"QBOddBird, 10:39 AM EST
Yeah! I'm equalizing my role as well, soon as I can find some low-cut shirts for men...*shops* "

Should that read 'shirts' or 'shorts'?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 31 2008 12:08 PM EST

Banana Hammocks! :D

QBOddBird January 31 2008 12:49 PM EST

Nope, I've already got the shorts. I have this nice pair of butt-huggers (blue) that come up very high and start out pretty low. I jog in them. You should see the cars swerve.

...so all I need are the shirts. ^_^

drudge January 31 2008 1:27 PM EST

"But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired."

funny and scary cause its all too true

TheHatchetman January 31 2008 2:34 PM EST

"I hate those times when you're friends with somebody, who you actually like as more than a friend. But you never say anything because you're afraid of damaging the friendship."

Getting a "positive" response from them can be just as damaging to a friendship as a "negative" response, and in some cases, even moreso... I've dated a girl I was close friends with before... couple years and a messy breakup later, our friendship is all but shredded, and at a time where my friends were all I had... :( Fortunately, we legitimately cared for each other enough to see through our differences, and found that we still do love each other, but love takes many forms. So we weren't meant to be "together", doesn't mean we still wouldn't go to hell and back for each other... For this reason, I like to avoid getting "romantically involved" with anyone that I am good friends with. Usually, I either make my move when the friendship is brand new, or not at all.

On the other hand, I've asked out a few girls I've known, and been rejected... One of them did me a favor, as she didn't turn out to be the person I thought she was at all... As for the other two, I'm still friends with them... They said "no" (using more words :P), I accepted that, we moved on... Casual flirting still occurs, but I do that with everyone. It means nothing, but it's still fun to do none-the-less.

"Why do we always have to make the first move?"

We don't *always* have to make the first move. There are rare occasions where the woman does. But, from what I can tell, it often seems to be an ego trip for most women. A way to battle back against the fact that they (in most cases) still are not treated as equal. Proof of that is on the news... Look at all the press Hillary is getting (in America)... "We may just have a female president!" They make a big deal of this, like it's surprising or not supposed to happen... Sure, we say all the right things and seem sincere. But ask yourself, do you really care about the homeless? Those starving in Africa? Have you really never had a predjudicial thought about someone from another ethnic group? Do you really see women as equal to men? Most cannot honestly answer yes to most of these questions. Being asked out is a woman's way of being placed on a pedestal. At least, this is my theory, from a psychological point of view.

Now that I've spit out my theory, I would like to see an answer from a woman's point of view...

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 31 2008 7:27 PM EST

Bah! We had a Woman Prime Minister years ago! :P Move with the times guys! ;)

"Sure, we say all the right things and seem sincere. But ask yourself, do you really care about the homeless?"


"Those starving in Africa?"


It's a shame, one I'm ready to admit, but the above two noes stem from my upbringing and exposure. I'd care if it was people I know and cared about, but I've been desensitised to the suffering of others.

"Have you really never had a predjudicial thought about someone from another ethnic group?"

Define predjudicial. I've had negative thoughts, and sterotypical thoughts. But they have never defined how I see an entire group.

"Do you really see women as equal to men?"

No. But then equality has nothing to do with being equal. ;)

QBOddBird January 31 2008 8:08 PM EST

I know the feeling, Hatch. My last g/f was basically my best friend for a few months before we started dating and for the time that we did....and when we broke up, so did the friendship.

But I feel like if it isn't worth risking, then it isn't love. So if I don't feel that strongly, then I might as well not. And if I do, then it is worthwhile, because I might just have found that person that I really don't want to live without.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 1 2008 3:11 AM EST

Awww... ;)

Flamey February 1 2008 9:27 AM EST

Of my 5 or 6 female friends (and I don't like to use "friend" loosely) only 1 of them is not confusing. The rest make me want to stab myself in the face and cease to exist at times. There's one I can rely on, to not be completely crazy, insane and make irrational and illogical thoughts.

Call me sexist, I really don't care. Girls I know take things too seriously, they tend to overreact about something, they always change their mind. I guess it's just a coincidence that my male friends don't do this, eh?

Though at my age, girls roughly have this train of thought "He's not wearing his unmentionables on his head. He's smart and not a jerk, RUN AWAY!". Not to sound up myself, but I've heard through a number of girls about some guys who are jerks to girls, yell at them and such, and I can't say I'm like that. Oh and I'm decently smart for my age, so y'know that means I'm a nerd and intelligent conversation is a big no-no.

/end life story that no one really cares about, FTW.

RVT February 1 2008 9:49 AM EST

I agree with Bast. And you can't generalize about women, and expect them not to get offended.

Flamey February 1 2008 10:19 AM EST

happens with guys and we don't really care, or can be bothered to care.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 1 2008 11:33 AM EST

i married my best friend a little over 20 years ago. we now have a wonderful 15 year old daughter who is brilliant and beautiful. while we get pangs about being empyt-nesters when our lil girl goes off to college in a few years, we are also looking forward to having time alone together again as we had for the four years before having here. you see, we are still best friends and have been through most of it. we have had other friends, but have stayed closest to each other.

i am not sure why i decided to post this as i usually don't get this personal in cb, but i just wanted to let you young'uns know that sometimes it does work out well with friends and that looking back i think it was the only way for me to go.

Yukk February 1 2008 12:19 PM EST

Well, I was in vaguely the position mentioned in the "fun" post, and in our 4am, over coffee, discussions, she'd tell me all about how this guy and that guy were jerks and also that she would never marry me, so at least she got that straight. She'd still expect me to come to her place after work and be a good friend until 4am (since she'd just quit her job) but it was okay, because I told her she was a pain in the behind and I'd never date her anyway, though she had enough qualities that I'd consider marrying her. Besides, she smoked and if there's one thing I can't stand as an asthmatic with an allergy to cigarette smoke, it's smokers.
As things worked out, she gave up smoking, we moved in together, got engaged and then married about six years ago.

Flamey February 1 2008 7:50 PM EST

Yukk, that' didn't even make sense o_O
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