Atomic Boy/Henk Bres insta (in Public Record)

Brakke Bres [Ow man] January 31 2008 10:32 AM EST

his coi +10 = $483,555 for my +17 = $8,721,322 at 75%

8,723,322 - 483,555 = 8,239,767
At 75% .75* 8,239,767 =6,179,825

Please send the cash and the smaller CoI to The Henk. On receiving Ill send the bigger CoI

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] January 31 2008 11:38 AM EST

Atomicboy (Conundrum) Henk Bres (The Henk) $6179825 -- for coi 11:37 AM EST
Atomicboy (Conundrum) Henk Bres (The Henk) A Cloak of the Istari ($483555) -- for coi 11:37 AM EST


Brakke Bres [Ow man] January 31 2008 6:02 PM EST

sending coi, ty for your business.
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