(OPEN) The Arma Forge (in Services)

Armageddon February 1 2008 5:20 PM EST

Well, I have my NUB forging bonus for another month. I plan to forge for the next week, and then forge my own items for my NCB. I have been getting a lot of requests for forging, so I am putting up this thread.

Some Information:
-I will be open for forging on Monday (Feb. 4th)
-I can put on over $1,000,000 NW a day.

Here is how it goes:
>-Looking for a job that is will last me a week
>-(Putting on $7,000,000 NW or more)
>-CM me with the items you want forged
>-What needs to be forged
>-Offer me a rate of payment
>-I will decide which offer to take
>-Deadline for requests will be at 5:00p.m.(System Time) on Feb. 3rd, 2008
>-Decision will be posted on Sunday (Feb. 3rd)
>-Item may be sent anytime after confirmation

>-Requests may be denied by the forger
>-Inadequate requests will be ignored
>-Superfluous requests will be automatically accepted

Let the insanity begin ^_^

Armageddon February 1 2008 7:32 PM EST

2 offers so far

Armageddon February 3 2008 4:44 PM EST

Yeah... about this...

I just decided to sell all my elven gear and RoBF (I have money now ^_^)


I'm just forging my items for my NCB.

Will make a post if I ever decide to Forge again ^_^
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