Black Jack 2, CB, and Buying BA (in General)

Monkeyboy February 1 2008 8:27 PM EST

I just recently picked up a Samsung Black Jack 2. For me this was a significant jump in technology, so while I am enjoying the various new features, I'm not what you'd call an expert.

Anyway, CB seems to work well... except for the "get more BA" option. I searched the forums to see if this issue was previously raised and found a post from May 2006 where Brent had posted the following link ( for purchasing BA via phone.

Needless to say, I was excited about being able to purchase BA on the go... but alas, I receive this error when I entered the above link: "Not Found, The requested URL was not found on this server". I'm guessing this may have something to do with either, 1. The configuration of my phone, or 2. The (relatively new) changes to the sidebar setup.

Anyway, since I'm "caveman like" when it comes to much of this stuff, I was hoping someone could help me either figure out how to buy BA with my Black Jack or confirm it is not not feasible.

Thanks in advance.


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 1 2008 8:42 PM EST

there was a thread about this recently, ask G Beee

QBJohnnywas February 1 2008 8:45 PM EST

Here's the thread about it: the url is in there somewhere...

(and I'm too drunk to operate spell I'm waffling....)

Monkeyboy February 2 2008 1:58 AM EST

Exactly what I couldn't find. Thanks for the pointer!!
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